‘The Voice of the ‘Business Community’
The Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce represents businesses in Cottage Grove, Newport, and St. Paul Park. The Chamber’s roots date back to 1968, when a group of local businesses formed the Cottage Grove Businessmen’s Association. In 1990, it took on its present name.
Representing businesses in Cottage Grove, Newport and St. Paul Park, the Chamber is founded on the premise that promoting business is synonymous with promoting community.

The Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce’s organizational priorities are:
- It is a goal of the Chamber to coordinate and support an effective regional approach to economic development aimed at supporting existing businesses and attracting new business, new investment and new jobs in the Cottage Grove area.
- As the voice of the Cottage Grove Area business community, it is a Chamber goal to influence decisions at legislative and administrative levels, to enable businesses to operate efficiently and profitably, thereby supporting the economic vitality of the area.
- The quality of life directly impacts economic vitality. It is the goal of the chamber to enhance the area’s quality of life by addressing special challenges that have a n impact on the Cottage Grove area’s overall appeal as a place to live, work, or do business.
- It is the goal of the chamber to support our membership by providing membership benefits, assistance and networking activities that are not otherwise available from private sector sources.
- It is the responsibility of the Chamber to communicate effectively with the membership as well as those entities that affect the vitality of the region.
- It is the goal of the Chamber to understand the roles of other organizations in order to coordinate programs that allow for partnerships and the identification of common goals and aggressive positions on problems facing the area.